Specialist in Building Robust Web Applications

Merging Creativity with Cutting-Edge New Technologies

Hi, I'm Sahil, a Software Engineer based in India.

I focus on building partnerships with clients, grounded in honesty and regular updates
I'm very flexible with time zone communications
Technically working with multiple skills
My tech stack
Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.
The Inside Scoop
Currently developing Petreon, an advanced Next.js social media platform for pets.
Do you want to start a project together?

A small selection of recent projects


Personal Finance Tracker

Manage your finances effectively with this intuitive personal finance tracker built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. Includes authentication powered by Passport.js and state management with Redux.


Portfolio NEXT.JS WebApp

Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS & Aceterity UI for a streamlined development experience and a polished user interface. Sentry ensures seamless error tracking for continuous improvement.



A modern weather app featuring real-time updates, AI-enhanced forecasts, and a user-friendly interface, built with the latest technology for reliable and accurate weather information.

My approach

Planning & Strategy

We'll collaborate to map out your website's goals, target audience, and key functionalities. We'll discuss things like site structure, navigation, and content requirements.

Development & Progress Update

Once we agree on the plan, I cue my lofi playlist and dive into coding. From initial sketches to polished code, I keep you updated every step of the way.

Development & Launch

This is where the magic happens! Based on the approved design, I'll translate everything into functional code, building your website from the ground up.